As Everyone that has been here for multiple seasons has told me, the whales do indeed follow the ice breaking vessel in from the open water. Unfortunately it's not like Sea World and you don't get to see them jumping out of the water ( although if you were brave enough to walk across the weakened ice to the water and had a bucket of fish or were dragging a flailing seal.. you just might be lucky enough to be eaten first )
Yes, the only pictures you get to see are those of the dorsal fin so to you they may as well be pictures of the Loch Ness Monster therefore I have included an artists rendering of what you would have seen ( Ala Mr. Limpet ). I actually did get to see the water spout whenever the whale hit the surface which was pretty cool.
I'm only here for another week and a halfish so I have no Idea what other pictures I may be able to get... But rest assured I'll be posting whatever they are not to mention I'll have the travel pics from my stops on the way back to ths states.
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