Saturday, December 26, 2009
McMurdo Alternative Art Gallery ( MAAG) they love their acronyms here!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Morning and assorted stuff
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Skua - Skua - Doo
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday Monday, la la - la da da da
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Ass end O' the world

Anywhoo, I am enjoying the continenet thus far.. several people have told me it is fairly easy to get a work visa for New Zealand and I may try to find a job there for a few months when I'm done down here.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wandering McMurdo
Here's some more pics of my current home, They didn't load in the order I wanted but oh well. The sloppy dorm room picture is my current room, I'm in temporary housing until they can put me in a permanent room, don't think I've ever had four other room mates at the same time LOL.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christchurch Revisited
Here's a few pics I didn't get the chance to load up yet, They are all from NZ. Theres a risque sculpture from the botanical gardens, the Christchurch Cathedral, The Avon river that runs throgh the city and offers gondola rides ( they don't call they gondolas though and I can't remember what they refer to them as ), and the World Peace Temple Bell also from the botanical gardens.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Finally Arrived
Caught the flight this morning to Anatarctica, took us about 5 hours to get here from Christchurch NZ and I'll have to say it was quite a different experience from the commercial airlines.
Here are a few pictures: the C17 we flew in on, The mountains from the air field when we landed and the mountians in the distance from McMurdo Station
The weather is actually really nice today, after piling on all the cold weather clothing they issued us and preparing for the worst went we all got off the plane and onto the ice , it didn't take long to peeel off some of those layers.. it was like walking around in a sweat lodge LOL. The sun is bright and the skies are blue.. very few clouds today and the light reflecting off the snow is pretty blinding.
Checked in and was assigned a temporary room until a permanent one becomes available, went through a welcome orientation and got a quick tour of the galley from one of the chefs.. have to be to work at 7:30 tomorrow morning, not as bad as I was anticipating ( thought I would have the 4:30 start time )
There's alot to do here in the off time.. hiking , biking, crafts even.. kinda like camp but they sell liqour at the canteen LOL
Off to roast marsh mallows and tell ghost stories now :-P
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Where the hell is Mordor?? WTF!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Getting ready for the Ice.