Here's some more pics of my current home, They didn't load in the order I wanted but oh well. The sloppy dorm room picture is my current room, I'm in temporary housing until they can put me in a permanent room, don't think I've ever had four other room mates at the same time LOL.
I wandered down the road from the station after work and stopped at the Scott Hut, named after the famous south pole explorer, it's the actual hut that he and his team wintered in and it as actually still stocked with everything they left including canned the canned goods ( there is a big warning sign telling visitors not to touch anything inside the hut.. it's a mini museum.
Sawa seal today, that is the black blob on the ice.. he was just laying there sunning himself without a care in the world. I couldn't get any closer to get a better picture since they are really strict about it, it's considered harrasment and they will boot ya for it and may even send you to jail :-(
The other picture is of the Station from the Scott Hut, the sky is typically that awesome blue.. there were some light clouds today but it was sunny and gorgeous.. from what I hear much better than the weather back in Michigan.
Was another long baking day, made a ton of cupcakes ( cappuccino,rocky road, lemon and german chocolate ) and chocolate tirimisu and helped out with all the bread too. I hear it will get busier as we try to get ready for Christmas.. it's very big here even without Santa. It's great working with a team where everyone looks out for each other ( unlike my last job ) it will definitly be a great season
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