Here's a few pics I didn't get the chance to load up yet, They are all from NZ. Theres a risque sculpture from the botanical gardens, the Christchurch Cathedral, The Avon river that runs throgh the city and offers gondola rides ( they don't call they gondolas though and I can't remember what they refer to them as ), and the World Peace Temple Bell also from the botanical gardens.
Today was my first day of work, it was mostly safety training ( they have a lot of that here) and going over everything in the kitchen , breaks , schedules and fun stuff like that YAY :-P
Did actually get to make some stuff dinner rolls, cookies,cinnamon rolls. There are mandatory stretching breaks during the day ( yeah, really!) , the kitchen staff is really friendly and I'm sure I'll enjoy my time here. There are 5 people total in the bake shop cranking out tons of stuff to feed the masses here. They let me out of work a bit early today so as not to overwhelm me the first day, It looks to be 5 work days a week 12 hour shifts for me I think the streching will help me adjust LOL.
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